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Nutrition for Achievers RSS

Creatine: Weight Cutting for Combat and Athletic Performance

Discover how creatine optimizes weight cutting in combat sports and strength training. Learn its benefits in muscle preservation, strength, and endurance enhancement, and practical usage tips for MMA, wrestling, and bodybuilding athletes. A must-read for achieving peak performance and safe weight cutting.

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Navigating the Myths and Realities of Creatine

Explore the truths about creatine in our comprehensive guide for bodybuilders and grapplers. Uncover how it affects kidney health and athletic performance, with insights from Dr. Darren Candow. Ideal for those seeking optimal muscle growth, strength, and endurance.

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You Need Way More Protein: A Technical Guide for Weightloss

Unlock the secrets of protein for weight loss and health in this technical guide on protein. Explore Dr. Karan Rajan's insights on the Protein Leverage Hypothesis and learn how to optimize protein intake for better body composition and performance. Perfect for weightloss buffs!

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