Is Turmeric the best nutritional supplement ever? In our modern world we are constantly attacked by the mainstream media about how our health is in a terrible state and needs to be drastically addressed otherwise we’ll all become sedentary individuals with no ability to do anything for ourselves.
New Year’s is a time for reflection. Not many of us will be looking back on the year that was 2020 with much positivity but taking the time to absorb and accept what transpired over the last 365 days is important for facing the next year head on. You can find a quote to support your view whether you think mulling over the past is a advisable or not, but the reason I recommend spending a short time doing so is so that you can accept where you are now.
To begin, I’m not going to make any unrealistic promises and tell you Santa will bring you a six pack on Christmas morning if you follow this advice. We all know that the holidays bring both presents and an extra layer of warmth, and we aren’t talking about your favourite snowman sweater. In fact: “The 10-day stretch between the Christmas and New Year holidays is the most common time of year people gain weight.”
How much do you know about a mountain range called the Andes? Maybe you know it’s the longest mountain range in the world and the fact that it stretches over 7 different South American countries. Perhaps you’re aware of the fact that they have several plateaus that are home to some of the highest communities in the world such as La Paz — the highest capital city in the world. If you did, kudos on your general knowledge.
Dry skin. It’s not pleasant but chances are we all experience at some point in our lives and, often, it gets worse around winter time every year. Just what you need. Winter can be tough enough with the shorter days affecting your sleep pattern and energy levels without having your skin adding extra stress to your life.